Every hat contains a story...

Janke Sinnema
Grote Rozenstraat 62
Groningen, NL
050 5420314 en 06 24520745
My biography as a storyteller:

In 1999 I was catched by the "storytelling fever".

Below I present my career in this subject:
First I followed some courses in storytelling theater, with the teachers Frans de Vette and Marcel van der Pol. Then I became member of a group of storytellers, named TWOES. We exercize once a month. In 2001 I had a wonderfull chance: a storytelling job in the Hortus (a botanic garden) in Haren. Working daily from 1 till 5 you can imagine how much experience I got this summer! Since then I was in a kind of flow: a lot of possibilities in storytelling appeared to me. Incidental, but also structural: we made with a group of 8 persons our own theater: The Vertelplantage, with the famous Surinam storyteller Guillaume Pool. Two years we had our own location, now we have a program in the Hortus again, every sunday afternoon at 14:00 p.m.

I use all kinds of stories, also I write them myself.
What I prefer: strange situations, playing with the traditional fairytalethemes, wise lessons of life.

Being humoristic is my power: people start often to laugh when they see me on stage.

But the best way to know how I work is to come and see me with a performance or to book me. When you make contact I tell you the possibilities.